Can My Home Benefit from Basement Drains?
Do you live in an area that is prone to flooding issues? Do you often find your basement covered in standing water? If so, you may benefit from installing basement drains. These waterproofing solutions can help you avoid flooding problems and can keep your basement dry.
If you have already been through several floods, it may be wise to consider installing waterproofing measures to keep your home safe and protected. When your basement is dry and clean, you can convert it into a spare guest bedroom, entertainment room, or gym and expand your living space.
Since floods lead to increased humidity levels that then cause mold growth and rot and can even trigger a pest invasion, installing basement drains is a step in the right direction. There are several types of basement drains, and in this post, we will take a closer look at them and their pros and cons.
Exterior Drain Tile
The installation of an exterior drain tile is rather simple while your basement is still under construction. A contractor will place a pipe around the outside perimeter of a foundation that will collect groundwater and direct it away from your property. This way excess water in the soil won’t be able to cause damage to your home. This pipe is flexible and perforated, so it can easily collect water. The contractor will put it in a trench at the bottom of the wall and then surround it with gravel. Placing gravel around and under the drain is an important step since this material will keep the dirt from entering the pipe. Unfortunately, if a contractor uses inadequate gravel, your exterior drain tile will end up clogged very often.
If you have already moved into your home, installing this type of drainage can be an expensive project, mostly because your contractors will need to excavate the soil around your home and your basement. This can be time-consuming and will also destroy your landscaping. In addition, since this type of drainage is prone to clogging issues, it is high-maintenance and not suited for busy homeowners.
Interior French Drains
Heavy rains are nothing uncommon in Indiana, IN. When a large volume of rainwater saturates the soil around your foundation, hydrostatic pressure increases and the water infiltrates concrete foundation walls and slowly floods your basement. If you have noticed that water is coming through the walls, installing an interior drainage system might be your best option. Although in some ways it is similar to the exterior drainage, this system has much better features. It also consists of a perforated pipe that directs the water to the sump pit. From there, the sump pump sends the excess water through the discharge pipe away from your home.
However, the BasementGutter™ System features an anti-clog design. This below-floor drain rests in a bed of drainage stone on top of the foundation footing, so it is located in a mud-free zone. Since the mud zone is a place where clogged drains are common, installing interior drainage on top of the foundation footing surely has its benefits. In addition, the large drain openings and the unique shape of the system prevent clogging problems. BasementGutter™ also has easily accessible service ports. Since it will collect leaking water from your foundation walls, it will prevent it from flooding your basement.
The best part about interior drainage installation is that it doesn’t involve any excavation, so it won’t disrupt your landscaping in any way. In addition, it is a much more affordable solution.
Floor Drains
Floor drains can often be found in utility areas. They are installed during the construction of the building. Floor drains will easily drain away any excess water from your basement.
So how does all that water end up in the drain? During construction, the floors are designed to be slightly sloped toward the drain. That way, all the water from the basement is directed toward the drain, from where it leaves your property. If suddenly a broken heater or a broken pipe floods your basement, the basement drain will lead it toward the sump pit. That means no more collecting water with a bucket and a mop! Nowadays, the installation of a floor drain is considered a standard in construction, so you won’t have to worry about unexpected expenses.
Unfortunately, if your home is already completed, you will have a hard time installing this drain. Although a specialist can place it in your basement, your floors won’t slope toward the drain, and you will just have a lot of standing water around it. In addition, a floor drain doesn’t collect water that seeps in through the walls.
Waterproofing your basement can save you a lot of time and money in the long run. After all, a drain installation is always a cheaper solution than foundation repair. If you wish to learn more about the interior drainage system or even some other waterproofing methods, feel free to contact Indiana Foundation Service and schedule a no-cost, no-obligation inspection, and quote. Our professionals will inspect your foundation and recommend several options that are best for you and your home.
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